• November 13, 2020
  • by E.T.
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Peace and Love!

Before anything else, I hope your day is blessed and filled with Cosmic Energy!

Thank You for taking the time to visit Cosmic Elements website, with everything going on in 2020, your time is more valuable than ever and we know that.

As the founder of Cosmic Elements, I can tell you that this has been a long time coming and I’m sorry for the delay. It’s been a good decade plus since I really began to form my relationship with Cannabis. And in the last five years, I have been building both my knowledgebase as well as my network, within the industry.

I formed Cosmic Elements back in 2017, knowing that it was just a matter of time before I was ready to launch my own endeavor in this field. I have to tell you, I’ve met some pretty amazing people along the way, and have heard stories of great success, as well as of hard failures. I’ve learned a lot.

One thing that has been a constant on my journey, was that I was getting into this industry to HELP people. Naturally I’d love to make a decent living doing that, but never at the expense of anyone’s well-being.

Years later now in 2020, I decided it was time to launch. Let me tell you that a number of people I know who are either in this space, Were in this space, or know many people who are, have been vocal about my boldness to enter such a saturated market.. and it’s true, there are now many many CBD companies, where there once were very few.

Those numbers mean nothing to me.

Let me tell you why.. The fact of the matter is, a vast majority of companies out there are those who simply jumped in on what has been labeled The Green Rush. An homage to the Gold Rush of 49’, The Green Rush is the EXPLOSION of the Cannabis industry, an explosion that is still in its early swelling stage today. Now.. There are those who jumped in with nothing but Dollar $igns in their eyes, and then there are those who saw an opportunity to bring healing to many people, while also creating a stable living.

The ration is severely uneven. Combining all that I have gathered about this industry, all of the trips, conversations, conferences, contacts, documentaries and more; I can tell you that somewhere in the ballpark of 80-90% of the products out there in these spaces, cannot be called medicine. These products are made quickly, cheaply and without regard for the health of the end client.

Taking this truth into account, I am left with the obvious truth that the field I would consider my ‘competition’, is actually quite small, and therefore wide-open. The number of companies putting out high quality, clean-processed organic medicine is quite low. So knowing that my people, (that’s everyone; including you) still need more access to clean plant medicine, here I am.

Very few outfits are looking to do the kind of work I am going to do with Cosmic Elements. With focuses on health improvement tracking, sustainable development and solutions, and above all else, RESULTS, I am excited for the future.

Please take a moment to share your email address with us, so that I know you’ll get access to the great news and special offers coming your way.

I can’t wait to hear about how our products changed your life!

Thank you,


Cosmic Elements.

Going Beyond… For Your Well-Being.

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